The Return of Board James

James / March 30th, 2015


After a 2 year hiatus, Board James will finally return. Good time to catch up on past episodes.


These upcoming episodes, as simple as they are, have been on my mind for a long time. Since the DreamPhone finale, I had ideas for a new string of episodes, and planned to start on them in early 2014, but I was too busy finishing the AVGN Movie, so they’ve been postponed until now, so I feel like I’ll always be behind, always working on last year’s projects.


I spent a lot of time, this past Winter writing down lots of ideas for Board James, even developing a backstory to the character, which became so elaborate, it may not be used in the episodes at all, or at the very least, dropping in little pieces of it from time to time. This is the first time I’ve given lots of thought into the order of episodes and how they will possibly connect with each other. You could say this is the first real “season” of Board James. Usually they’ve been made one episode at a time.


I consider the first season to begin with DragonStrike, which introduces the character (MouseTrap was more like an experiment, a pilot episode), and end with Mr. Bucket, since that was such a crazy episode, and is a major turning point, it’s like the season finale! The second season, to me, begins with Tornado Rex, which introduces Bootsy. These were the “Bootsy years.” It ends obviously with the epic DreamPhone, which killed off the characters. Give that a watch again, and also check out the Making of Board James and the DreamPhone commentary.


The new Board James episodes are planned to last for the rest of the year, happening on a monthly basis. Except October where I’ll be focused on Monster Madness. (Which is a long process to watch 31 movies, then write/record/edit them into 31 videos. Usually Mike and I start it in March, but this year I had to get 10 Friday the 13th videos done, which was like making 1/3 of Monster Madness, so that has set me behind.


The bottom line is: Board James is back. I don’t want to hype it up. I will probably never top the DreamPhone episode. Just wanted to give you insight into the creative process, and how long it takes.


UPDATE: I suppose this blog should have an update, now that the NEW EPISODE IS OUT. Omega Virus.



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